A limited fund has kindly been donated by
which makes it possible for CONTEXT
to provide limited support to young researchers
and students
from countries with limited resources.
Depending on the applications
received, the support may provide full or partial
coverage of participation fee,
travel and subsistence expenses.
Priority will be given to authors of accepted papers or posters in the
main conference, the doctorial symposium, or any of the affiliated workshops.
Procedure for application and grants:
- First deadline Friday, June 1, 12.00 CET (strict),
open only for
authors of accepted papers, posters or demos for the main conference.
- Applicants in this first round may be granted
free registration including lunches and conference dinner, and possibly
accomodation. We will attempt to reply immediately so that
the grant may be given by (partially) waiving the fee to be paid
and-or by having your hotel payed directly by us.
- Applicants from the first round, who did not receive a grant
in the first round, will stay in the pool for the next round.
- Second deadline Wednesday, June 20, 12.00 CET (strict)
open for all (including authors for the main conf. who missed
first deadline);
- Applicants in the second round may be granted
free registration including lunches and conference dinner, and possibly
accomodation. If possible,
the grant may be given by (partially) waiving the fee to be paid
and-or by having your hotel payed directly by us.
- If resources permit, we may, following the last round,
extend the grants given with (partial) coverage of transportation costs;
no money transfer will be made, and grants will be given as refunds
at the conference.
Notice that some workshops have their date of notification later than
the second deadline, and notifications may occasionally
be late; you may indicate that you have submitted
to a given workshop and is waiting for the reply, and we take the right to
contact the organizers for a judgement.
Our decisions are not debatable.
About your application:
- Applications must be sent by email to
with the word APPLICATION stated in the subject.
- Indicate in a clear and brief way why you qualify
for the criteria mentioned above and support is needed,
including a few facts about your current career.
- Indicate title of possible paper and its state of acceptance
(accepted or awaiting decision and for which event under CONTEXT'07).
- A letter of support can be helpful from, say, a possible
Master or PhD supervisor, or another recognized researcher with knowledge
about your work. Such letters may be included as copy of an email
sent to you.
- Applications are not expected to fill more than about
one page when printed, excluding possible letters of support.
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