August 20
International Workshop on REpresentation models and Techniques for
Improving e-Learning: Bringing Context into the Web-based Education
Computer Science Research Reports from Roskilde University #111
Summary: The ReTIeL'07 workshop is related to the representation,
analysis, design, implementation and use of techniques and models to
support the creation of advanced e-Learning environments and the
realization of activities within these environments. Particularly, the
workshop focuses on the use of these techniques and models to provide
support for modelling the context of e-learners and helping on the
development of context-aware e-learning environments. The aim is to bring
together researchers and practitioners that work with or use adaptive
hypermedia systems and are interested in durable, reusable solutions, as
well as researchers and practitioners that work with or use semantic web
technology, and are interested in adding to it and defining the (elements
of) adaptation and personalization.
Organizers: Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis, Alvaro Ortigosa,
Maria D. Rodriguez-Moreno
W7 August 20-21
Role of Contextualization in HUman Tasks: Enriching Actors (CHUT-07)
- merged with MRC 2007 (W2 above)
Summary: The CHUT-07 workshop focuses on the process of contextualization in
human task, including the actor accomplishing the task and the working
place where this occurs. Thus, concrete aspects of context are
considered at various levels from the knowledge representation to the
reasoning modeling. The relationships between the task and the actor are
considered in the context of the working place. Thus different types of
context must be tackled, and the movement of the triple (actor, task and
working place) across all the contexts supposes a process of
contextualization. The goal of the CHUT-07 workshop is to clarify the
practical role of the contextualization with respect to the triple
(actor, task and working place) in the real world.
Organizers: Patrick Brézillon, Charles Tijus, Juliette Brézillon
NB: Proceedings joint with those MRC 2007, so don't order both when you register
(unless you want it twice;-)